Big Snake Ziggzagging in Me project
photograph by Dhan Ribeiro
What is our notion of physical reality? Are we still connected to the origin of things? How the terror of climate change, deforestation, pollution and shortage of natural resources plays out?
Big Snake Ziggzagging in Me is a s a multi-disciplinary art project: a series of immersive online and offline, Live art-experiences, co-created by the artist, performer and curator Katerina Barampouti, the actress and performance artist Kyara Orlando, and the photographer, artist and shaman Dan Ribeiro. We joined forces to decisively tell a story: how powerful we, as humans, can be when we allow enchantment into our lives; when we attune to our sacredness and consciousness.
We offer an experience that reflects upon how we relate to the environment, the elements of nature and to ourselves. Through a photographic narrative by Dhan Ribeiro, a solo performance by Kyara Orlando, site-specific installations by Katerina Barampouti, and related art events (workshops, Q&A, discussions, short performances) directed and curated by Katerina Barampouti, Big Snake Ziggzagging in Me evokes the enchantment and mysteries of our world. This project suggests a creative relationship with life, and refers to the myth of the Great Cobra (Cobra Grande) that permeates the Amazonian territory. The Great Cobra represents the fertile life force that we carry within our DNA and is perpetually creating and connecting all beings.
Realised in collaboration with The Koppel Project (
The Burial of A Shaman, installation by Katerina Barampouti / Fountain, installation by Katerina Barampouti & Kyara Orlando / photographic exhibition by Dhan Ribeiro curated by Katerina Barampouti and Rebecca Marcus - Monks / exhibition photographs by Rocio Chacon.
List of related events
artwork by Katerina Barampouti
Act 4: Erinyes, Furies, Bats performance
Online performance on 28th May 2021. Designed, directed and performed by Katerina Barampouti.
The story is inspired by the concept of ‘Erinyes’ - the mythical creatures that take vengeance on men’s destructive and disrespectful actions - and references current scientific evidence linking deforestation with the spread of deadly pandemics.
Artist’s statement:
Leafs joining leafs to a moving net, sheltering life’s joyous play,
spreading fresh breaths to our morning awakenings,
curing the soil and its inhabitants.
Roots forming sacred alliances
to strengthen the grounds where we walk and gather.
Richness of flavours and sounds, abundant fortune.
Oh, that was just a dream….
Now bare dust, the soil is dead. I awake into a grieving desert. Flames, excavators, trucks with harsh wheels, flattened plains, stripped out of enchantment. Non-existent diversity. Homogenisation of rubbish. Ugliness. Disease.
Is this our human contribution to life? Is this our glorious aesthetics of misery? Is there a way out?
1. Bats, Coronavirus and Deforestation: Toward the Emergence of Novel Infectious Diseases? / US National Library of Medicine: ‘
2. Over the past two decades, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that deforestation, by triggering a complex cascade of events, creates the conditions for a range of deadly pathogens—such as Nipah and Lassa viruses, and the parasites that cause malaria and Lyme disease—to spread to people.’ By Katarina Zimmer, National Geographic
Act 3: Virtual exhibition by photographer Dhan Ribeiro and performance artist Kyara Orlando, online from 22nd April to 28th May 2021. Curated by Katerina Barampouti. A physical exhibition at The Koppel Project Hive gallery will take place from 5th July to 6th August 2021.
Photograph: Dhan Ribeiro / Performance: Kyara Orlando
Act 2: Talk and presentation on Thursday 22nd April 2021, from 5pm to 6pm, UK time.
The event will include a presentation of the project status by Katerina Barampouti, Kyara Orlando and Dhan Ribeiro, space for Q&A and the official release of the project crowdfunding campaign:
'Big Snake Ziggzagging in Me' initiates an inquiry about how we relate to nature: to the environment and to ourselves. Following an inter-disciplinary format, it uses the myth of the Great Cobra (Cobra Grande) as a reference point: This myth permeates the Amazonian territory and talks about the fertile life-force that is perpetually creating the world - and that we carry within our DNA.
Act 1: Online opening. On Thursday, 12th November 2020, at 4:30pm U.K. time, we initiated our journey with The ‘Big Snake’. The event was the opening act of a spiritual promenade, the first of a series of art events taking place online and live at The Koppel Project Hive gallery, in 2021. The event agenda includes a narration by artist Dhan Ribeiro, an online performance by performance artist Kyara Orlando, a guided visualisation by artist Katerina Barampouti and a discussion with Q & A.
photograph captured by Rocio Chacon